DREAM ROAD Danube REgion for improved Access and eMpowerment of ROmA Development

Exclusionary dynamics of social inequality and poverty are mirrored in every aspect of daily life of Europes 10-12 million Roma people. In recent years, hope of progress has been shattered by hardened political discourse with particularly harsh impact on Roma, living in overwhelmingly poor conditions on the margins of society and facing extreme levels of social exclusion. Shameful persecution at national levels, underpinned with vows to root out and expel Roma, has shifted the conversation from the need to improve a situation the minority has been condemned to, to questioning their right to inhabit areas they have made their home. DREAM ROAD seeks to empower members of Roma communities to become agents of change. Participatory development of novel interventions to enhance digital, information and functional literacy of Roma people and establishment of broad alliances in their implementation are key results of the projects. Transferrable pilot implementations root in the development of computer-supported collaborative learning labs as catalysts of knowledge, hands-on learning and digital access, where members of overlooked and often failed communities can obtain skills and know-how to function as informed users and equal members of society. Meaningful cooperation of Roma communities, public authorities and local communities is key in achieving success in implementation of such community ecosystems. DREAM ROAD builds capacities of public bodies to better cope with Roma issues through innovation and dialogue, providing community representatives with the know-how to achieve lastig impact. The long-term objective is to create enduring and meaningful, transparent and interactive processes stimulating mutual responsiveness of all societal actors. Transnational framework will allow for implementation of transferrable solutions, tested in locally specific environments, which will serve as guidelines in future policymaking.




The CSPS SAS was established on 1.10.2015 by a merger of three research facilities: Institute

of Social Sciences, Institute for Forecasting and Institute of Experimental Psychology. The main mission of the CSPS SAS is to perform research activities, and to collect, process and disseminate scientific information.

 Currently the CSPS SAS represents a unique community of researchers in Psychology, Economics and History with interdisciplinary overlaps with Sociology, Environmental and Political Sciences. The multi- and interdisciplinarity of the Centre makes it a strong research institution and flexible partner for scientific projects at both national and international levels.

 The Institute of Social Sciences of the CSPS SAS in Košice, which is involved in the project DREAM ROAD, is an interdisciplinary workplace of social sciences and humanities with a primary research focus on the area of Central Europe in the field of social psychology, sociology and history. It focuses on research on socio-cultural and socio-political processes and phenomena in the Central European context; research on recent history (20th and 21st century) with a focus on ethnic minorities in Slovakia and neighbouring countries; and applied interdisciplinary research: research and development, evaluation research (European Social Survey) and intervention research.

The strenght of the Institute for Forecasting of CSPS SAS  also involved in the project DREAM ROAD, is the application of science for practice. Interdisciplinary research focuses on analyses and development strategies in the transformation process from the perspective of sustainable development, building social and economic cohesion and employment and access to economic and environmental resources, and trend analysis in the context of social and economic development.


Terre des hommes (Tdh) is the leading Swiss child relief agency. Founded in 1960, the organization is committed to improving the lives of millions of the worlds most vulnerable children.

Tdh aspires to a world in which the rights of children, as defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, are always respected. A world in which children can thrive in safe environments and become agents of the change they wish to see in their lives. Through our innovative protection, migration, access to justice and health projects, we support more than 4 million children and their families in 30 countries.

Working in Moldova since 2004, Terre des hommes is dedicated to ensuring the fulfilment of Children’s fundamental rights and the proper protection of all children in Moldova.

Tdh Moldova works to reduce the vulnerability of children affected by migration and improve their protection; to improve childrens access to their rights in the juvenile justice system, promoting a restorative approach; to strengthen the capacity of child protection institutions and professionals, as well as children, families and communities in general. More recently, our organization caries out youth empowerment projects.

To achieve these objectives, the organisation brings together a team of 30 child protection professionals, trainers, project managers, specialists in communication, monitoring and evaluation, law, finance and administration. The organisations programmes are geared towards the fulfilment of children’s and youth’s fundamental rights, ensuring they benefit from a system that can guarantee their protection, development and involvement in the social, educational, cultural and health processes that affect them.

Amalipe Center

Amalipe Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance is a leading Roma organization working for the equal integration of Roma in Bulgarian society. The organization plays a central role in organizing the Roma civic movement and implements advocacy activities for Roma integration in front of state institutions. Amalipe Center believes in the equal integration of Roma in a society based on the preservation of Roma identity and the modernization of the Roma community. The community’s knowledge of its own history and culture is an important factor in raising its self-esteem. The introduction of civic values and the development of civic leadership in the Roma community will help to overcome social exclusion and marginalization.  The mission of the Amalipe Center is to stimulate the empowerment of the Roma community in Bulgaria for its active participation and equal access to:

  • Resources and development processes, with a priority focus on access to quality education,
  • Quality healthcare and social services;
  • To develop the capacity within the community by raising the educational level of Roma children and youth;
  • To develop skills for self-organization of the Roma community;
  • To strengthen the participation of Roma in the decision-making process;
  • Stimulating a consistent and responsible state policy, which he access of Roma to education, quality health care and social services, monitoring and feedback to improve policy measures and practices.

 Amalipe Center is currently working on over 20 projects in the field of education, healthcare, provision of social services and support, funded by the European Commission, Operational Programs, Trust for Social Achievement, UNICEF and others. Amalipe Center works with a network of over 250 schools across the country to reduce dropout rates, introduce intercultural education, promote lifelong learning in the Roma community and increase the educational status of Roma. An essential part of this activity is empowering Roma parents to take an active part in school life and making the school a community center. In parallel, the Amalipe Center supports the work of educational mediators appointed by the schools in the Network “Every student will be a winner”, which are over 250.


Research and Educational Centre Mansion Rakičan (RIS) is a public institute, founded by the Municipality of Murska Sobota. Firmly embedded in the local community, RIS is active in the field of culture, research, education, innovation, tourism and carries out several social programmes for different societal groups, while also cooperating with the local community, national organizations, service providers, business partners and international organizations to contribute to local development. The organisation employs experts in the field of social work and is devoted to making a difference in the lives of individuals through its numerous programmes dedicated to wider inclusion of different vulnerable groups.

As the organisation is situated in a mansion (15th century) and surrounded by a historical park (both objects are under cultural and natural heritage protection), one of RIS’s main objectives is to conserve, promote and develop cultural and natural heritage by establishing a healthy balance between conservation and protection of CH on one hand and its sustainable, yet modern utilization and promotion on the other. Through usage of local natural resources, RIS aims to create innovative and modern platforms for CH promotion as well as sustainable usage of its resources. The organisation is well aware how important international cooperation is, therefore it strives to develop projects that have a broader perspective while contributing to the local environment ensuring durable presence/effect of results with added value.


Roma Inclusion Office was established with the aim of improving the position of Roma in the field of education, employment, health, housing, human and other rights, as well as creating conditions for the inclusion of Roma in all spheres of social, public and political life in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The founder of the Office is the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Funds for the work of the Office are provided from the budget of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, from the income it achieves from its activities, donations, sponsorships and other sources. The bodies of the Office are: director, administrative and supervisory board.

The activities of the Office include tasks on: implementation and supervision of the implementation of strategies and action plans that contribute to the improvement of the position of the Roma; coordination of projects that contribute to the integration of Roma, which are implemented by individual Provincial Secretariats; in cooperation with the National Council of the Roma National Minority, encouraging and improving womens and human rights of Roma men and women; monitoring the process of Roma integration in AP Vojvodina, cooperation with governmental and non-governmental organizations; preparation of analytical documentation for programming and planning activities related to Roma integration in the province; realization of projects based on relevant strategies and action plans; organizing seminars, counseling and round tables; keeping records regarding Roma integration in the territory of AP Vojvodina, training and improving experts in the field of Roma integration, as well as others.

Youth Space

NGO “Youth Space” was founded in 2014 by students for the development of youth policy in Zakarpatska Oblast`. Since 2018, the NGO has secured the role of one of the most influential NGOs in the region, implementing a number of important projects and initiatives, as well as supporting and strengthening local communities.

Each of the activists of the organization has significant experience of public activities in student self-government, youth movements and informal volunteer initiatives. Our organization carried out advocating campaigns on local and even national level, as we are co-founders of National Youth Council of Ukraine and initiators of Ukraine president program “Urban Parks”. In addition, Youth Space team initiated and organized the implementation of the public budget mechanism in Uzhhorod city and later in other municipalities of Zakarpattya. 

In addition, the organization is known for creating youth councils and hubs within the region. Plenty of trainings preceded the launching of youth hubs and councils in order to make them sustainable and effective. Thus, our activity in the youth field covers many municipalities of Zakarpattya.

We started work with Roma youth in 2017 within Ukraine-Germany youth exchanges. We feel the need to involve them into public activism. Thus, we implement the Danube Transnational project “Dream Road” in Ukraine together with other 14 partners from 10 European countries. We seek to increase digital literacy of Roma and to mobilize and empower members of Roma communities to become agents of change.



    The final conference of the Danube REgion for improved Access and eMpowerment of ROmA Development (DREAM ROAD) project took place on November 30th, 2022 in Lenti, Hungary. Project partners from ten participating countries gathered to present the results and experiences obtained at the nearly end of the project. The ...

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